
never forget about bb end date ft image

Broadband contract ending soon? Lucky you

Receiving that end date notification means you’ve got a chance to save more money.

What’s more – it doesn’t take half as much time or effort as you might think either.

Given how the cost-of-living crisis has affected us all, it’s never been more crucial to compare and switch.

We see a lot of customers being pleasantly surprised at how much they could save on their broadband.

Despite this, it’s often overlooked – and for reasons that surprise us.

Did you know you could save nearly £200 a year by switching your ISP?

What about auto-renewal?

Unfortunately, loyalty doesn’t help you save money!

Although it became law in 2020 for energy suppliers for notify customers when their end date is due, this doesn’t mean you don’t have to act on it.

In most cases, you’ll continue your current plan – but not necessarily for the same price.

Say you chose your current 12/18/24 month contract because of its low monthly price, this will only be for a limited time.

Despite Ofcom making it law to notify customers, a lot of people are still facing an unpleasant surprise when their fixed term ends.

Why don’t more people switch?

We see a lot of customers reluctant to switch, either out of misguided loyalty or because switching seems like a lot of hassle.

According to a recent Which survey, 43% of people say they stay put because they’re happy with the service. This is fair enough, but is it worth paying more for? Fibre is more widespread and affordable than ever before, so you might find a new supplier makes you even happier!

37% are afraid they’ll lose their current email address. These days, losing your email is unlikely – but it’s quick and easy to set up a separate one.

32% say they fear the whole process is “too much hassle”.

We’re here to compare and switch for you, so you get to enjoy a seamless change over.

A bit of bargain hunting pays off – especially when you do it with our experts.

Switching is easier than you think

A lot of broadband networks now share the same infrastructure, making a switch over quick and easy. It’s highly unlikely that you’ll be left without an internet connection during your switch, even if you’re upgrading from ADSL to fibre.

Generally, you’ll never be waiting longer than 2 weeks for the transition to be complete – and this for the most complex switches.

Saving doesn’t mean downgrading!

More properties are eligible for fibre than ever before. In fact, 95% of properties can now access superfast Wi-Fi – but a lot of homeowners don’t know this!

If it’s been a while since you last changed deals, you’ll be surprised at how many suppliers have upgraded their service. Because fibre is readily available, prices are competitive – making it all the more crucial to compare.

Find the best deal today

Once you’ve given us your postcode, we scour the web to find every available deal in your area.

We handpick deals from a range of suppliers (including bundles and 4G routers).

Plus, you’ve got our friendly, impartial advisors to help guide you through the process too!

Search for your new broadband deal in a few clicks.

With the help of our experts and our free tool, you can also find your next mobile deal with us too.

11 million homes connected to fibre

Repost from Digital TV Europe.

Are you living in a newly-upgraded full fibre area?

Some 11 million UK homes now have access to fibre broadband, up from seven million a year ago, according to regulator Ofcom’s Connected Nations autumn update.

According to the report, 37% of households can now get full fibre, capable of delivering download speeds of up to 1 Gbps.

This is an increase from 24% a year ago, when just under seven million homes were covered.

The number of properties unable to get a broadband speed greater than 10 Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload has meanwhile fallen by 38% since last year to 83,000.

The number of homes able to get gigabit capable broadband is now almost 20.2 million homes or 68% of all UK homes, up from 19.3 million or 66% at the time of Ofcom’s last update.

Full fibre coverage now reaches 37% of homes, up from 33% in the four months between January 2022 and May 2022, an increase of four percentage points, with just over 11 million homes now covered. Superfast broadband coverage across the UK stands at 96%, with Northern Ireland, the leading region both for full fibre (83% coverage) and gigabit broadband coverage (85%) saw an increase of a percentage point in superfast coverage.

The number of premises unable to get decent broadband, when factoring in fixed wireless and fixed line, has dropped from 99,500 to 83,000 premises since Ofcom’s Spring update.

However, those unable to achieve decent broadband over a fixed line has increased from 506,000 to 513,000 over the same period.

Could you be eligible for fibre?

You can find out for free.

We’ve compared broadband deals from every ISP across the UK.

Tailor results today – all we need is your postcode to find you your next dream broadband plan!

ft image 5g blog

You may have noticed some tall masts in your area.

Sure, we know they’re a bit of an eye-sore.

But if you rely heavily on mobile internet, you’ll soon realise you’re actually in luck!

5G is set to change the way the entire world communicates, so here’s our expert deep dive.

First there was 3G – now we’re on another level

It was 10 years ago when 4G networks started taking over from 3G.

Fast forward 7 years to 2019, when 5G was first introduced by mobile networks EE and Vodafone.

5G was designed to be up to 10X faster than 4G.

Using smaller wavelengths and higher frequencies, this means that more users can connect simultaneously – without sacrificing speed.

This means the average mobile user connected to 5G could download nearly an hour of Netflix content in less than 20 milliseconds!

The issue of availability

You might be thinking, if 5G is so great, why aren’t we all connected to it?

There are two main issues preventing this being from being the case.

The issue of availability is still prevalent, with some more rural parts of the UK yet to see any developments.

New areas are becoming eligible every week, and 5G is expected to be available nationwide by 2025.

There’s also the issue of price – seeing as a lot of networks need you to buy their latest model.

This can quickly become off-putting if you compare alone, which is why we’ve made it easy to see every deal in one place.

Which networks offer 5G currently?­

EE, O2, Sky, Three, Vodafone and Tesco Mobile currently boast the most 5G coverage across the UK.

What’s more, major phone makes including Samsung, Apple and Huawei all offer 5G compatible models – and the list is always growing.

Why don’t you check your eligibility for free today?

What about 5G broadband?

5G broadband is already on the way. However, 4G broadband has been popular for years – and it’s not going away any time soon.

With 4G broadband, you essentially use a mobile router, which relies on air waves instead of a wired signal.

If you have strong mobile service where you are (but maybe not the best Wi-Fi options), this could be the solution for you.

Currently, EE, Three, Vodafone and Neatley, an independent supplier we’re proud to support, all offer 4G broadband deals.

If your network already offers 5G and mobile broadband, you’ll get the best of both worlds!

Will 5G replace 4G for good?

As previously mentioned, 5G isn’t predicted to be used across the UK until 2025.

Until then, 4G remains the go-to in a lot of areas.

This doesn’t mean incredible developments aren’t in the works every day. Plans for 5G use include high-tech bus shelters, street/traffic lights and modernised healthcare, just to include a few.

It also has the power to improve energy sustainability across the UK, with large businesses looking to invest.

Ready to upgrade?

Have we caught your attention?

It’s understandable – who wouldn’t want the fastest mobile speeds possible?

Regardless of how you plan on using 5G, we’ll make sure you get the right deal.

Before diving headfirst into plans and providers, you should compare with our friendly experts to ensure you find the right price.