
The Ultimate Guide to Switching Broadband

Your Expert Guide on Switching Broadband

Switching broadband providers can seem like a hassle, but it can lead to faster speeds, better reliability, and significant savings.

Whether you’re frustrated with slow internet, looking for a better deal, or simply curious about your options, we will walk you through everything you need to know.

Read on and get ready to make a smooth transition to a new broadband provider.

Why Switch Broadband Providers?

 How do you know if you would benefit from switching broadband providers? If your contract is ending, it’s certainly in your best interests to look around!

This is especially true if your internet needs have changed, or you’re no longer content with the service and price of your previous supplier.

According to Broadband Genies, 20% of consumers say that they haven’t switched deals because they can’t find a better plan.

This is why we’ve made it easy to switch deals with ease and stay committed to finding tailored plans for every customer.

To contrast the point that we discovered above, we also found that according to Uswitch, 71% of people found switching to be easy – and a further 72% actually saved money as a result!

We’ve covered a few more benefits that you will reap by switching broadband providers with us.

Better Speeds

Internet usage has increased dramatically with more devices and data-intensive activities like streaming and online gaming.

If your current provider can’t keep up, switching to a faster plan can make a huge difference.

Cost Savings

New customer deals and promotional offers can provide substantial savings.

Oftentimes, the cheapest and most feature-rich deals are reserved exclusively for new customers.

Even if you’re satisfied with your current speed, switching providers can reduce your monthly bill – potentially by almost £100 per year!

Improved Reliability

If you frequently experience outages or slowdowns, it might be time to look at switching broadband providers. Lags and loading screens simply won’t do – especially if you live in a busy house!

A reliable connection is essential for everything from remote work to online education and entertainment.

Enhanced Features

New providers may offer perks like enhanced security features, superior customer support, or added benefits such as bundled services.

If your current deal is lacking some of these perks, it could be time to branch out.

Key Considerations When Switching

  1. Evaluate Your Needs

Understanding your internet usage will help you choose the right plan. Consider:

  • Speed: Determine the download and upload speeds required based on your activities. For basic browsing and email, 10-25 Mbps might be enough. For streaming and gaming, look for 50-100 Mbps.
  • Data Allowance: Ensure the plan has enough data to cover your usage without hidden caps.
  • Contract Terms: Check the length of the contract and any early termination fees with your current provider.
  1. Research Providers

We’ve made it easy to compare broadband suppliers and deals in one place. Be sure to look out for key factors like:

  • Speed and Reliability: Look for advertised speeds and customer reviews about reliability.
  • Customer Service: Quality customer support can make a big difference if you encounter issues.
  • Contract Flexibility: Consider plans with no long-term commitments or flexible terms.
  1. Understand the Switching Process

Switching broadband providers involves a few steps, but knowing what to expect can ease the process:

  • Check Compatibility: Ensure your new provider’s service works with your existing equipment, or if new equipment is needed.
  • Plan Installation: Schedule the switch during a time that won’t disrupt your daily activities.
  • Number Porting: If you have a landline, check if you can keep your existing phone number.
  1. Manage Potential Issues

Switching providers can come with challenges. Here’s how to tackle common problems:

  • Downtime: Minimize downtime by scheduling the switch during non-essential hours and notifying household members.
  • Hidden Fees: Carefully review all terms and conditions to avoid unexpected charges.
  • Service Overlap: Ensure there’s no gap between the end of your current service and the start of the new one to avoid interruptions.

Key Steps to Follow

  1. Compare Plans: Find the best deal in minutes by using our free deal checker.
  2. Check Contract Terms: Review any cancellation fees or notice periods with your current provider.
  3. Sign Up for New Service: Contact your chosen provider, sign up for a plan, and schedule installation or activation.
  4. Notify Current Provider: Inform your current provider of the switch and cancel your existing service.
  5. Set Up and Test: Follow instructions from your new provider to set up the service and ensure everything works correctly.

Ready to Switch Broadband Providers?

Now you know about how beneficial switching broadband suppliers can be, what are you waiting for?!

We’ve made it easy to compare deals from a range of suppliers in your area.

By evaluating your needs, researching providers, understanding the switching process, and managing potential issues, you can ensure a smooth transition.

For detailed comparisons and expert advice, visit Switch Experts to find the best broadband plans for your household.

Broadband Cancellation Explained

How to Cancel Your Broadband

Broadband cancellation can seem daunting.

However, when you’re informed, you’ll soon realise that there’s nothing to fear!

Gone are the days of intense over-the-phone haggling, chasing emails, or sifting through contracts.

Our experts know just how seamless the broadband cancellation process can be.

In this detailed guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps and considerations to make.

Are You at the End of Your Contract?

If you’re approaching the end of your broadband contract, you’re in the perfect position! Several weeks before your end-date, you will be notified by your supplier, who will let you know what your options are for next steps (this will either be through email or phone calls.)

Your supplier may offer you alternative deals on the same network – especially if they value loyalty! However, if you’ve got your eye on a competitor, stay resilient to their offers, and insist on broadband cancellation.

Whether you pick a new deal with the same supplier, or switch brands entirely, it’s crucial that you don’t stay put! Letting your deal auto-renew could cost you anywhere up to between 9% – 60% more per year.

Are You Mid-Contract?

Mid-contract broadband cancellations are known to be a bit trickier – and regrettably more costly!

Your first step is to review all your contract terms in detail. Take note of the contract length, cancellation fees, and notice period required by your provider. You should also carefully consider other obligations, such as your notice period and cancellation fees.

Unfortunately, it’s more common than not that you will face early exit fees. However, you can ensure that these costs are as low as possible by promptly returning any equipment (such as a router) to your supplier. Follow any instructions listed in your contract and this will help you to avoid extra charges.

Once you’re armed with this information, contact your supplier, and clearly express your intention to cancel.

It’s also crucial that you document the entire broadband cancellation process, including any emails/written requests and reference numbers. This documentation is highly valuable, should any discrepancies occur.

Is it Possible to Cancel Mid-Contract Without Fees?

Escaping a broadband contract without facing fees can be tricky, but it’s not impossible.

Here are a few examples of scenarios in which your broadband cancellation would be free:

  • Negotiate your way out: If you’re dissatisfied with your current package, try haggling with your provider. They may offer you a better deal or increased speeds to keep you. Check out our Broadband Haggling Guide for expert tips on slashing your bills.


  • Changes in terms: If your provider alters the terms of your contract, like significant price hikes, you might have grounds to leave without penalties. While annual price increases are common, significant changes beyond what’s stated in your agreement could give you an out.


  • Service faults: If your provider fails to deliver the promised minimum speeds, you have rights under Ofcom’s Code of Practice. Log a fault with your provider, and if they can’t resolve it within a reasonable timeframe, typically 30 days, you can exit the contract penalty-free.


  • Cooling-off period: Don’t forget about the cooling-off period! If you’re still within the first 14 days of your contract, you can cancel for any reason without facing penalties.

Our expert advisors can speak to you in-depth to help you understand your specific situation and your rights.

Ready to Switch and Save Today?

Broadband cancellation requires careful planning if you want to avoid extra fees or hassle.

Timing and contractual terms are everything. Whatever your situation, our experts are dedicated to helping advise and guide you every step of the way.

Stuck in a subpar contract? We can speak to your supplier and see if you’re entitled to leave.

If your exit fees are too high, we can help you make a switching plan for the near future.

Ready to switch today?

Don’t wait any longer – start browsing the latest offers here and see how much you could save.